
Fun Fact: For stretch wrap, there are higher machine wrapping speeds among end users: Average wrapping speed has moved from 25 rpm to 60 rpm (orbital/rotary arm-wrapping machines).

United Pledges Company Revenue to Children in Need

United Product Sourcing has established a company policy in which 10% of net revenue will go to Savannah’s Reach, a non-profit organization that significantly impacts the lives of medically fragile children in Mexico, foster to adopt families in Orange County, CA, babies in need of being rescued in Guatemala, and a private young girls school for future leaders in Nicaragua.

Learn more about how Savannah’s Reach is impacting so many children:

If your company has interest in joining United in being a Corporate Partner of Savannah’s Reach, please email United directly to set up a conference call. Inquiries can also be made on the Savannah’s Reach website.

The President’s Son – Little G

They say children and puppies tend to be the best for promoting or selling a product. Well, meet Little G. He helped to close a deal on a stretch wrap order simply by smiling and standing next to some sample rolls brought home for the day. His payment: A new toy from Target. It’s the little things that remind us how fun our jobs can be!

United to the Rescue!

Our customer contacted us requesting a “911” custom box order. This normally wouldn’t be a big deal for most companies, except for one small detail: It was 10:30pm and they needed it the same week. We didn’t make any promises at the time, because even for us, this type of request would take longer to provide, but that didn’t stop us from doing our best to help. The next day we were able to get everything set-up and within 72 hours our customer had exactly what he needed. We surprised ourselves! While United holds a high expectation for customer service, our team was especially excited about the turn around time on this order. We are thankful for the relationships we’ve built with our partnering manufacturers to make United a priority.